Was bedeutet pagetoid

Pagetoid deutsch Pagetoid is a term used in dermatology to refer to "upward spreading" of abnormal cells in the epidermis (ie from bottom to top). It is uncommon and a possible indication of a precancerous or cancerous condition. Cells display pagetoid growth when they invade the upper epidermis from below.

Pagetoide melanozyten Paget's disease of the humerus (upper arm bone). The diseased bone is dense and wide. It is also patchy from areas of active bone turnover. In the very early stages of Paget's disease, when there is just overactive absorption of bone occurring, it can look like there is a hole in the bone.


The meaning of PAGETOID is belonging to or typical of Paget's disease. How to use pagetoid in a sentence.

was bedeutet pagetoid

Aktuelle Diagnostik und Behandlung des Basalzellkarzinoms Pagetoid melanocytosis refers to the presence of solitary and small groups of melanocytes in the superficial layers of the epidermis. Although it is generally considered to be a diagnostic hallmark of melanoma, it may also be seen in certain melanocytic naevi.

Pagetoid Definition & Meaning: Merriam-Webster Medical Pagetoid is a term used in dermatology to refer to "upward spreading" of melanocytes into the epidermis. It is uncommon and a possible indication of a precancerous or cancerous condition. Cells display pagetoid growth when they invade the upper epidermis from below. Squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma in situ, Pagetoid Bowen disease and other.

Aktuelle Diagnostik und Behandlung des Basalzellkarzinoms

Das Basalzellkarzinom und seine seltenen Formvarianten Pagetoid is a term used in dermatology to refer to upward spreading of melanocytes into the epidermis. It is uncommon and a possible indication of a precancerous or cancerous condition. Cells display pagetoid growth when they invade the upper epidermis from below.

Das Basalzellkarzinom und seine seltenen Formvarianten

Pagetoid: definition of pagetoid by - Medical Dictionary Paget's disease of bone is a chronic disease of the skeleton. In healthy bone, a process called remodeling removes old pieces of bone and replaces them with new, fresh bone. Paget’s disease causes this process to shift out of balance, resulting in new bone that is abnormally shaped, weak, and brittle. Paget’s disease most often affects.

Squamous cell carcinoma in situ pathology - DermNet Lobulocentric proliferation of monomorphic cells, which expands lobular units; with or without pagetoid involvement of terminal ducts Hallmark feature is loss of cellular cohesion due to dysfunctional E-cadherin catenin axis Loss of E-cadherin protein is the most common etiology (> 95%) and can be caused by mutations, deletions or methylation.